Why are Starseeds on Earth now?

Starseeds are more likely to pursue the mastery path of Ascension because we know it’s in our Soul’s calling. Starseeds came here with a lot of Galactic DNA, so the question remains – why Earth, out of ALL of these planets and other Universes?

Spiritual Awakening

It’s those that are on the edge of waking, that must be woken up, not forced to wake, but to gently whispered awake with the scent of coffee like my dad did many years ago when I was a tiny human ~ Because forcing people awake with a cold bucket of icy water can sometimesContinue reading “Spiritual Awakening”

Ascension isn’t Leaving Them Behind

The Ascension to New Earth is happening, and nobody gets left behind. The Division of the Worlds has been happening, yet, nobody gets left behind. Here’s what this means on a deeper level.